Dear Ms Primarollo,

I notice that you are holding a consultation on the accommodation expenses payable to AMs

As an elector in Wales I would like to disagree with your proposal to extend the 'outer area' beyond Wales.

I appreciate that you need to provide AMs with the resources to do their job, but this surely is limited to 'reasonable' resources. If an AM takes steps to make it difficult or impossible to do their job properly, then it is not for you (or us, as the taxpayers) to make up for their actions.

Community councillors are required to live or work or own property in their constituency. I fail to understand why a similar requirement does not apply to candidates for the Senedd, although I appreciate that changing that is beyond the remit of your committee. But the principle of reasonableness surely applies. If a member of the National Assembly of Wales can't be bothered to live in Wales, why should we subsidise their poor decisions? Should we pay for weekly flights from Spain if an AM prefers to live in the sunshine? To do their job properly an AM must be in touch with their constituency and its residents. By living outside their constituency then they have voluntarilly decided that they cannot (will not?) carry out their job and therefore cannot justify claiming expenses. (or perhaps even a salary?)

Please reconsider this proposal